Willing Hearts And Skillful Hands The Difficult We Do At Once.
Impossible Takes A Little Longer."
(SeaBee Slogan "Can Do")
Manas 001 Manas Airport Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan Manas 002 Dan at Manas BX Manas 003 Our C-17 to Bagram, Afghanistan Manas 004 Inside C-17 on way to Bagram, Afghanistan Manas 005 Inside C-17 on way to Bagram, Afghanistan Picture 001 Getting for the flight from Hattiesburg Mississippi to Ireland. Picture 002 Tito goes native. Picture 003 Dan world's largest Seabee. Or one damn small tank. Picture 004 Pol-E-Charki Picture 005 Russian UMV (Jeep) Picture 006 Memorial at Pol-E-Charki Picture 007 Memorial at Pol-E-Charki Picture 008 Kragen Auto Supply, Kabul Picture 009 Graveyard, J-Bad Highway. Picture 010 Jingle Truck Picture 011 CWO Lutz at Pol-E-Charki swimming Pool Picture 012 APC's at Pol-E-Charki (EA1 Roza, CE1 Dahl, Lt. Smith & CWO Lutz.) Picture 013 LAV at Pol-E-Charki Picture 014 APC & BMP with T60 in Back at Pol-E-Sharki Picture 015 Russian Artillery at Pol-E-Charki Picture 016 Dan on way back to Kabul from Shir Zai. British C130. Picture 017 British SAS on way back to Kabul from Shir Zai. British C130. Picture 018 Russian T-62 Tank amid ruble. Picture 019 Ruins of Newer (1925) Daruleman Palace (King's Palace) Picture 020 Ruins of Older Daruleman Palace (Queen's Palace) Picture 021 Ruins of Older Daruleman Palace (Queen's Palace) Picture 022 Ruins of Older Daruleman Palace (Queen's Palace) Picture 023 Accent into Palace (Queen's Palace) Picture 024 Dan (EA1 Roza) somewhere on second floor. (Queen's Palace) Picture 025 Lt. Vu Huynh & Tito (BU1 Galindo) second floor window. (Queen's Palace) Picture 026 Window Arches (Queen's Palace) Picture 027 Dan (EA1 Roza) second floor balcony. (Queen's Palace) Picture 028 Dan & Tito Grand Stairway between second and third floor. (Queen's Palace) Picture 029 Dan & Tito Grand Stairway between second and third floor .(Queen's Palace) Picture 030 Third Floor Shot Palace (Queen's Palace) Picture 031 Lt. Padre third floor window. (Queen's Palace) Picture 032 Dan third floor window, Kings Palace in background. (Queen's Palace) Picture 033 Rotunda, Third floor on end of Palace. (Queen's Palace) Picture 034 Ruins CE1 Stuart Dahl leans out window over stairwell from Attic. (Queen's Palace) Picture 035 Tito, Lt. Howard Smith & Lt. Rodel Padre climbing into attic. (Queen's Palace) Picture 036 Dan, Hole in wall into attic. (Queen's Palace) Picture 037 Queen's Attic (Queen's Palace) Picture 038 Lt. Smith stands on edge of wall over rotunda. (Queen's Palace) Picture 039 Dan over Rotunda (Queen's Palace) Picture 040 Picture of Ahmed Shah Massoud Picture 041 Hillside living in Kabul. Picture 042 Ancient wall in Kabul. Picture 043 Convoy to Bagram. Picture 044 Convoy to Bagram. Mud Brick Picture 044 Convoy to Bagram. One Hump Dromedary Picture 045 View from Gharib Ghar. Picture 046 View from Gharib Ghar. Picture 047 Steep hike up Gharib Ghar. Picture 048 LT. Padre & Tito on top of Gharib Ghar. Picture 049 LT. Padre on top of Gharib Ghar. Picture 050 Seabees on Gharib Ghar. Picture 51 Tito on Gharib Ghar. Picture 052 Dan & Tito on Gharib Ghar. Picture 053 Dan on Gharib Ghar. Picture 054 Tito on Gharib Ghar. Picture 055 Moon over Gharib Ghar. (Camp Phoenix) Picture 056 82mm Paper Weight. This was given to me by a departing National Guard Member who thought it was an inert Mortar Round. He had got it from the previous group before him. They had thought it was inert and were using it as a paper weight. It seemed obvious to me when it was handed to me that it was packed with explosives. I turned it in to ammunition & explosives storage for disposal. Picture 057 Don't let this happen to you. Please keep weapons out of the hands of Lieutenants. Picture 058 Afghan National Army Artillery Exercise. Picture 059 Major Frasier, No it's not Halloween. He just needs some leave. Picture 060 BUC Lindsey Owings (BUC O) Picture 061 Afghan Children Picture 062 Afghan Children Picture 063 Afghan Children Picture 064 DC1 David Shannon & Afghan Child. Picture 065 CPT. Wayne Kinsel. Picture 066 Queen's Palace Daruleman - Sheep, Goats & Shepard Kid. Picture 067 View from outside Camp Dubbs, First Snow - Daruleman. Picture 068 View from outside Camp Dubbs, Early Morning - Daruleman. Picture 069 View from outside Camp Dubbs, Early Morning - Daruleman. Picture 070 Flowers outside Camp Dubbs - Daruleman. Picture 071 First Snow at Camp Phoenix. Picture 072 Winter Driving on way to Camp Phoenix. Picture 073 BU2 Rick Evans, The Fur King. Picture 074 BU2 Rick Evans & EA1 George Juaneza. Picture 075 BU2 Justin Troutman & CDR Fredrick Howard. Picture 076 Meatloaf, Camp Phoenix. Picture 077 Hadji Table Saw. Picture 078 LT. Howard Smith. Enjoying the weather. Picture 079 LT. Vu Huynh & DC1 David Shannon, Garden at ISAF HQ, Kabul. Picture 080 ISAF Garden Bunnies. ISAF HQ, Kabul. Picture 081 Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Visit and Obligatory Group Photo. Cheese it up Butt Sharks! Picture 082 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Snow Angel Picture 083 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Christmas Feast Picture 084 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Christmas Feast Picture 085 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 086 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Dan & Rambo. Picture 087 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Gator. Picture 088 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 089 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 090 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 091 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 092 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 093 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 094 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 095 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 096 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 097 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 098 Xmas at Camp Phoenix, Camp on Xmas Eve. Picture 099 Dan in front of Hummer in the Snow. Picture 100 Winter Clothes for the Kids in Udkhel. Picture 101 BU1 Justin Troutman on the truck in Udkhel. Picture 102 Blackhawk ride to Bagram. Picture 103 Blackhawk ride to Bagram. Buzkashi,
Kok-boru or Oglak Tartis (Persian: buzkashī: buz "goat"
+ kashi "taking out", goat grabbing) (Kyrgyz, Uzbek,
Kazak, Tatar, Turkmen: kökbörü, kök "blue"
+ börü "wolf) is a traditional Central Asian team
sport played on horseback. The steppes' people were skilled riders
who could grab a goat from the ground while riding a horse at full
gallop. The goal of a player is to grab the carcass of a headless
goat, and then get it clear of the other players and pitch it
across a goal line or into a target circle or vat. Picture 104 Buzkashi, Tito and he Buz. Picture 105 Buzkashi. Picture 106 Buzkashi. Picture 107 Buzkashi. Picture 108 Buzkashi. Picture 109 Buzkashi. Picture 110 Buzkashi. Picture 111 Buzkashi. Picture 112 Buzkashi. Picture 113 Buzkashi. Picture 114 Buzkashi. Picture 115 Buzkashi. Picture 116 Buzkashi. Picture 117 Buzkashi. Picture 118 Buzkashi. Picture 119 Buzkashi. Picture 120 Buzkashi. Picture 121 Buzkashi.
J-BAD High Way Movie (Big 24 meg) Blackhawk to BAG Movie (Big 24 meg)
2002, Icarus Bungee Company. |